How to use Content Intelligence to optimise content management

The term Content Intelligence is now being used to describe strategies that help to automate content optimisation by using artificial intelligence

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How effective is your content?

As people responsible for understanding the management of content and how it brings value to our audience we have to know how well our content is optimised. The term content intelligence is now being used to describe strategies that help to automate optimisation by using artificial intelligence.

Is this the silver bullet that webmasters and content managers have been looking for? We would argue yes.

How does this content intelligence work and what are the problems it solves?

Content intelligence takes advantage of the new technologies of artificial intelligence (AI), natural language generation and machine learning. The combination of these different technologies allows us to learn the topic of the content, how it speaks to the audience, the type of content that it is, how it can be improved and how effective it is in delivering what the audience wants. It gives you an exceptionally accurate and objective content audit that is dynamic and can be used to derive audience insights. In turn these insights can be automated to ensure stakeholders and decentralised contributors can keep their content optimised.

At this stage we are really talking about content intelligence in terms of managing content and helping to reduce reader frustration, we are not talking about automated content creation at scale. There are tools to deliver headlines, short introductions and paragraphs in an intelligent and automated way. The intelligence also helps to assess semantics of your content and how it answers the questions of your audience.

content intelligence
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

User Frustrations that you can fix with Content Intelligence

If you are managing a large website, especially one that has many contributors and a large audience with disparate interests, it is almost impossible to manage and maintain with the resources that you have. The stakeholder perception is often at odds with the resources available and the skill set required for repetitive tasks with no immediate great benefit or priority. That’s how things get left. The next thing you know, it’s unmanageable. 

This can lead to the following user frustrations:

·      Navigation and site search – for many users search is where it starts and finishes. The usual frustration with site search is to go back to Google and try again. Navigation is often an issue across large sites because it is such a difficult thing to do and also because it is usually organised in a way that makes sense to the website owners and their institution/company. This is problematic for new and inexperienced users, because they don’t have that knowledge.

·      Buried information & link loops – it can take a lot of clicks to get to the information you want and even then key bits may be missing, or lead to links that are the same as where you were. This can be due to breaks on the journey, different contributors, or just not having resources to help.

·      Pre-categorised user cases that are superficially appropriate but way too broad at a user level – this can be a particular bug bear. Yes personas help to produce a website, but but but users are individuals and work on a functional and emotional basis. How they use a site is also reasonably personal. By using AI and content intelligence you can make the journey totally personalised and based on the outcomes for that user. Which is a breath of fresh air for us all.

·      Informational silos – we know that sometimes not everyone can share their information that readily. Site structures can also reflect the institution/business rather than what the user wants. It can be really difficult for users to access the information that they need without carrying out repetitive tasks. It’s a case of how do you bring it together for the user.  

·      Content that is inappropriate for the use case, i.e selling when unnecessary, content as documents, lack of interactivity etc.

·      Plain old out of date pages/links, contact details, prices, availability, but are still accessed via users from search engines

Primarily, this is AI looking at text, but there are of course video and audio to look at too. The great thing about this methodology is that you can start to slowly integrate these media into your optimisation and content intelligence strategies too. There will always be a human in the loop, but you should aim to at least be on a level playing field. This is how our products are designed to help you.

5 things you can do right now to grow your Content Intelligence Strategy

Content Intelligence which is driven by our customised Artificial Intelligence, is able to solve these user problems and create audience experiences that are truly transformational. Your content and team are able to really start to do the jobs that they want to do. The technology is now available to do this. These are the 5 things you can start to do today to make this year a really exciting one for your audience.

Audit – Content Intelligence starts with the audit

Prioritisation – From the audit how do we prioritise for the biggest impact

Customer/Audience/User Centricity – how to put the user at the centre of the changes

Recommendations and personalisation – how to use AI to action the intelligence and offer real time experiences that fulfil the user and business goals

Impact and Outcomes – sustainable, maintainable processes to deliver the impact and outcomes. The intelligence will continue to grow and the dynamic nature of your user base will continue to ask more of your content. 

Please excuse typos or any unnatural language, this post was written by a computer. Like this one in the Guardian.

How to use Content Intelligence to optimise content management
How Some Users Might See Your User Journeys if you're not using Content Intelligence - Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

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